3 min readAug 17, 2022



Mount Aconcagua is the highest mountain range in the northern and southern hemispheres. Planning a trip here can be very exciting. However, it would be best if you took certain precautions. Aconcagua Ascents are reported to be the most treacherous climb in South America, with nearly 100 fatalities to date. It indicates that people need to be extra cautious while climbing and must follow the directions of their Aconcagua Mountain Guides.

In this article, we will be discussing the dangers involved in climbing this mountain and some of the ways you can ensure your safety and well-being.

Top five dangers of trekking in Aconcagua

1. Lack of oxygen due to high altitude — An altitude above 8000 meters is considered extremely dangerous and might cause permanent damage to your brain. Due to an acute shortage of oxygen levels, you might experience altitude sickness, including headaches, dizziness, reduced visibility, loss of appetite, etc.

Solution — take adequate rest and, if needed, acclimatize yourself using medications that you might be carrying or get some from your tour operator. Also, make sure you hydrate yourself.

1. Extreme weather conditions: Often, high-altitude areas are prone to harsh weather conditions, significantly hampering your experience. When you decide to go, you might experience an intense heat wave or sudden hypothermia.

Solution: To reduce the effects of such sudden and intense weather conditions, you must carry appropriate clothing and gear. If you are traveling in a snowy place, make sure you have warm clothes and boots. Take regular breaks to avoid overexertion, and eat and drink water sufficiently.

1. Natural disasters are something that no one can ever prepare for, as it is always unexpected. Natural disasters like earthquakes can landslides are frequent occurrences in high altitude areas. They can cause severe injuries to people if proper precautions are not taken.

Solution — try to make your plans during the official climbing season. In case of natural disasters, do not panic; stay in groups, monitor the warning systems, and use sign symbols to alert the authorities for help.

1. Low visibility — Sometimes, visibility can decrease when heavy rains or snow storms occur. Due to this, you might get separated from your group members and even get lost. Furthermore, you won’t be able to see any obstacle or danger that is right in front of you.

Solution — invest in good quality snow Goggles. Always make sure you check the weather forecast before starting your Aconcagua Ascents. You can also carry some light source like a torch or a lamp. In heavy rains or snow storms, stay close to your group members.

1. Failure of Equipment — this might occur if you have purchased inferior quality equipment or misused them. It can cause severe injury and might even be fatal.

Solution: Familiarize yourself with the functioning of the equipment, check if it is in excellent working condition before purchasing it, maintain it properly, and make sure you buy only top-quality products.


These are some of the dangers you might encounter during your trek to Mount Aconcagua. You must be mentally and physically prepared to combat these risks with appropriate prior training. You can also contact your Aconcagua Mountain Guides for in-depth statistics on the kind of dangers you can expect and prepare accordingly.




We are Aconcagua experts and provide Guide for Aconcagua Climb by Best route. Website-https://aconcagua-climbing.com/